Vintage Japanese Bronze Kannon Bosatsu Kakei Reign Seal Guan Yin Buddha Statue 14"H 觀音菩薩
Vintage Japanese Lacquered Bronze Statue
Kannon Bosatsu
Guan Yin Bodhisattva
Seal mark. Circa: early 20th century
H 14 in.(36 cm), W 6 in.(15 cm), D 4.5 in.(11.5 cm)
Condition: excellent!
While already assured of Buddhahood, Kannon remains in this world to comfort suffering sentient beings. Perhaps because of the maternal, feminine traits and gentle expressions, statues of Kannon inspire a greater affection in Japan than any other Buddhist figures. Cast with exceptional skill in heavy bronze, lacquered and tinted in copper red, polished to a glossy silken surface with a mellow patina. Realistic and beautifully rendered, the face of the Bosatsu is turning toward her left, eyes downcast in contemplative reverie, bared feet, hands casually held together to her side, dressed in an umptuous robe with silky drapings fluttering in the breeze, She appears graceful and revered. This unique representation of Kannon displays the Chinese Ming influence, which is confirmed by a 14th-century Kakei Emperor seal mark on the base. The Kannon statue is in excellent condition.
*Authenticity Guaranteed. BuddhaMuseum specializes in temples and family-worshipped Buddhist arts. We guarantee that all artifacts are genuine as described. It is our policy never to list fakes as genuine deliberately.