Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面
Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面
Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面
Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面
Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面
Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面

Oni Demon Furyumen Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Wood Noh Mask 浮立面能面

Regular price $850.00 $0.00

Antique Japanese Carved Gigaku Mask

Furyumen 浮立面

Oni Demon Mask

Circa: Late Meiji, early 1900s'
H 11.5 in. (29cm), W 6 in. (15cm), D 5 in. (12.5cm)

Condition: Excellent!

This powerful Gigaku mask represents the Japanese archetypal image of the ferocious female Oni Furyumen 浮立面. As shown here, she has large bulging eyes, flaring nostrils, baring fangs in wide open jaws, with a long stretched tongue in a threatening snarl expression. The mask is masterfully carved from a single block of Hinoki wood, chisel by chisel simultaneously on the front-and-back side. Upon completing the carving, layers of kaolin primer and multiple coats of black and red lacquer were painted, then finished with final coats of gold on its fangs and around the eyes. This rare Oni mask keenly observes the spirit and mystique in the Gigaku dance.

*Authenticity Guaranteed. BuddhaMuseum specializes in temples and family-worshipped Buddhist arts. We guarantee that all artifacts are genuine as described. It is our policy never to deliberately list fakes as genuine.