Antique Japanese Lacquered Wood Kannon Bosatsu Zushi Shrine 觀音菩薩仏壇
Antique Japanese Lacquered Wood Zushi
Kannon Bosatsu
Padmasana Lotus Meditation
Circa: Showa Period, Early 20th century
H 9.25 in. (23.5cm), W 3.75 in. (9.5cm), D 2.6 in. (6.5cm)
Very good condition
Behold the resplendent Kannon Bosatsu, the Goddess of Compassion. She is adorned in gold inside a black lacquer zushi with a gold interior. The face of Kannon has a childlike appearance, with eyes downcast and a gentle smile that exudes serenity. She is depicted in a gesture of blessing with her raised right hand and holds a metal floral object in her left hand. Seated in Padmasana on a lotus pedestal, the Bosatsu is framed with a graceful leaf-shaped mandola emanating a spiritual magnetism. The figure and zushi box are both beautifully aged and well preserved.
*Authenticity Guaranteed. BuddhaMuseum specializes in temples and family-worshipped Buddhist arts. We guarantee that all artifacts are genuine as described. It is our policy never to deliberately list fakes as genuine.